Jagoda Ratajczak

Entry in the list of state-certified translators and interpreters kept by the Minister of Justice
No. TP/40/18

+48 724 462 385

If I am unable to answer, feel free to text me.


ul. Raka 13a
61-244 Poznań

You are most welcome to visit, but it is best to make an appointment as I don’t always work from home.

I graduated in English Philology from Adam Mickiewicz University (2006-2011), where I also studied conference interpreting (2009-2011) and legal translation (2014-2016). I started my professional career as a conference interpreter, but since becoming a state-certified translator (2018) I have been focusing on legal and business translation. However, I still love interpreting and the past few years of active cooperation with notaries and law firms have contributed to my further development in this area. I take particular interest in real property law, inheritance law and family and guardianship law.

I work as a sole proprietor and my services are VAT-exempt.

I am a member of the TEPIS Polish Society of Sworn and Specialized Translators and the Trade Union of State-Certified Translators and Interpreters in Poland (ZZTPwP). I continue to hone my skills by attending training courses for legal translators. I also promote the knowledge of language, linguistics and the translation profession. Since 2010, I have been running a website popularising knowledge about language and translation "Jagoda Ratajczak - Językowo", and my book entitled "The Linguals. What language does to our mind" was published by Karakter in 2020.

I am a member of the Trade Union of State-Certified Translators and Interpreters in Poland (ZZTPwP).

In my spare time, I write, read and travel. I love history, castles and palaces, and I would gladly spend my Lotto prize on restoring one of them.

To get a quote and delivery time details, email me with clear scanned copies of your documents or with electronic documents.
I will usually respond within an hour, and if I am working away from the office - not later than on the next business day.